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Lindsay Pavkovich

July 21, 2014

Party of 4!

It's been almost 4 weeks since Sadie Belle joined our silly little family, and during that time there has been several adjustments made to how our daily life goes!  The most obvious of them being the lack of sleep Mama is getting.  I remember Presley being very on point with the whole "waking every 3 hours (on the dot), eating, then falling back to sleep" kind of schedule.  Sadie has been semi-similar, except you never know how long she is going to make it in between feedings.  Sometimes it is 1.5 hours and then sometimes it is 3.5 hours.  I usually fall back asleep as soon as she is done, so it hasn't been too terribly bad.

Except for that time I got Mastitis in both of my boobs.  

Yeah, that was zero fun!  I had no clue that it could make me so sick--and hurt so bad!  I had a pretty high fever for a few days before calling the lactation consultant and my midwife--who put me on an antibiotic and things cleared up pretty quickly after that.  I wanted to give up and just give Sadie formula so badly, but I managed to feed and pump through it.  But man, it was painful!  

Other than that, breastfeeding is going...okay.  I met with the lactation specialist this morning just to make sure she is latching on correctly since I am still in a little bit of pain.  I feel like by this point I should be pain free, right?!  We will see :)

Presley has adjusted to the new baby much, MUCH better than we had all anticipated.  We basically feared the worst and have been pleasantly surprised at how well she has taken the new changes.  My Mom was here for the first few weeks, so it was super helpful to have an extra set of hands when it came to taking care of Presley, the household duties, and meal time.  Presley tends to want me to hold her just as I am feeding Sadie, which I am sure is just a way of Presley letting me know she wants me to put the baby down--but I can usually distract her and then when I am done I will spend some time with her.

We did end up sending Presley back to school two days a week...


 That has been a lifesaver for us all!  She enjoys getting out of the house, playing with her friends, and going outside--while I enjoy the peace and quiet at home.  Because let's be real here, girlfriend DOESN'T SHUT UP!  She is constantly talking, asking questions, wanting to sit on the potty (without even going--she just wants a Skittle), dumping out her toy box just to run off and do something else....ya know?! Moms, HOLLER IF YA HEAR ME!

In the midst of all of this, we had a bunch of visitors!  It was so nice to hang out with our family and spend some quality time with them all.

My Dad and Step Mom came for a few days, then the day they left we had Adams cousin, Ryan, and his fiancee, Breighan, come over.  That afternoon my Grandmother and two Aunts came in from Alabama and stayed for a few days!

It has definitely been lonely now that it is just the 4 of us at home!

But, we love our new little addition to bits and pieces!  Sadie really is a great baby--so cute and snuggly!  I can't believe she is almost 4 weeks old!  To all of you young folks out there: If you want your life to fly by...have children! It makes the days, weeks, months and years go by in an instant!


  1. Oh, I feel your pain on the mastitis!! I got it my first week home with Wyatt. It's terrible!! I felt like I had the flue, on top of having a newborn...ugh! Thank goodness for lactation consultants who know their stuff! I had about 4 different people telling me different things. So glad things are going great!! Sadie's precious!

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  2. It took 2 months for my nipples to not hurt with Gabe. I actually was given a book about surviving the first 2 months of nursing...probably should have read it. Oh well. I made it. Sorry about the mastitis. That sounds horribly miserable!

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