It's safe to say that this is my favorite time of year! October, November, and December are my favorite months because October has the nicest weather, November has lots of food, and December is Christmas time!
I pretty much burn Fall scented candles year round and if I could leave my Christmas tree up all year long then I would. Except we get a real tree and I'm sure that come June, it'd look pretty ugly.
Everyone assumes that the second you have a baby that the holidays are like 143 times better than in the past.
That, my friends, is a lie!
For example:
Halloween this year, Presley was 3 months old. We took her trick-or-treating with the cousins and friends, you know, the usual. Guess who came home empty handed with not one....I repeat....NOT ONE cotton pickin' Reese's Cup or Mini Snickers for me to enjoy. How rude!
Thanksgiving this year, Presley was 4 months old. Which means she was no longer living in my stomach which meant that I had no excuse to get 6 helpings of turkey and mashed taters. Last year I could do that because I was preggo. This year I was just a fatty-tard.
So far Christmas has been going good. The only ridiculous thing is the amount of Christmas outfits P has. More specifically, Mud Pie outfits. Can you get stock in Mud Pie? I totally should.
We are being the meanest parents on the block and have chosen to not let our kids believe in Santa. It's just a personal choice that Adam and I made before we even had Presley and feel that we are making the right decision for our family! We are going to tell our kids about Santa, but that he's just a fun make-believe part of Christmas. This year, thankfully, we don't have to worry about it though since she will be so young.
Honestly, Adam and I aren't even getting her anything! I mean, she's 5 months old.
All she cares about is if she can fit her whole fist in her mouth and how high of a pitch she can scream at.
This year we will be in Florida for Christmas! Adam will be driving down next weekend, then Presley and I are flying down on the 23rd. We got a straight flight out of Birmingham but I still get anxiety about the 1.5 hour plane ride!
Anyone have any Xanax tips on flying with a baby?!
Oh my gosh! how freakin cute is she in he Christmas outfits i love it!! Im a bad mom I dont have an cute christmasy stuff :(
Reply DeleteWhat cute outfits! Don't feel bad, I'm actually kind of anti christmas this year because the hubby and I both work ;/ No flying tips, but let me know how it goes we will have to do the same thing in a few months.
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