July 28, 2011
two weeks??
Presley's first day home
great and we love her so much.
July 25, 2011
Presley's Birth Story
July 24, 2011
whirlwind week
Presley's Birthday
July 22, 2011
One week!
I'm at the chiropractor right now so I can't update but when I get home later this afternoon I will get back on here!
July 18, 2011
Dang Ol' Bilirubin
July 17, 2011
Sleepy Head!
Things are going great! She sleeps a lot, we are working on the breast feeding, and poops like a champ.
Nursing was going great but then this morning she wouldn't cooperate. After several attempts to feed the little nugget Adam and I decided it would be best to supplement with a bottle, just because I knew she was starving! She dominated the bottle (literally the thing was gone in about 3 minutes) and has been in a food coma ever since. The lactation consultant is on her way now to help us figure out the BF problems.
We were going to be able to leave this afternoon but Presley is borderline jaundice so they want to keep her overnight. Nothing to worry about though!
Adam is out at a baseball camp for a few hours and I'm sure he's dying to be back at the hospital. "Obsessed" doesn't even begin to describe how he feels about her. It's the sweetest thing and I have a feeling she's going to be pretttttttty spoiled.
Our wonderful friend and amazing photographer, Jamie Cormier, was in the delivery room with us and took the most special pictures we have ever had. I can't wait to get home and see all of them! I will post a few of them on here once I figure out how to post more than one picture at a time on my phone. If you have Facebook go to Jamie Cormier Photography and "like" her page and you can see some pics!
July 16, 2011
A quick note...
July 15, 2011
She's here!
Presley weighs 7.3 pounds and is 19 1/2 inches long!
So far she looks a lot like me but I know that can change and in a few days she could look like a totally different baby.
I'm not gonna lie, I didn't enjoy labor one bit and cussed like a sailor which is totally not me! I also fell asleep in the middle of pushing and talked in my sleep, I was drraming that my friend was trying to sell me a nightstand. Who knows! Oh well, it's over now and I can enjoy our new little baby!
Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes!
I'll update as soon as I can with more details, I'm going to go devour this Taco Casa!
Getting closer!
I've started shivering but the nurse says that's normal and it's from the epidural. The uncontrollable farts are still at an all time high and I've just learned to accept it. I mean, I thought it couldn't get any worse but whaddya know. When your husband o's video taping you and you rip a loud one, it usually takes the cake. So there you have it. Ladies who are going to be giving birth soon, consider yourself warned by Yours Truly!
I do it for the fans, you're welcome.
I should get checked again pretty soon, but for now I'm just going to try and sneak in a nap!
Epidural fun!
But after? HELLO! I'm in Heaven! It definitely feels really weird to not have any feeling from the waist down. It makes the exams much less painful and I didnt feel a thing when the nurse inserted the catheter!
Oh, and the side effects they don't tell you about? Thanks for asking. Let's talk about the uncontrollable farting!! Sitting in a room with your hubs and fam and then you totally rip one, yeah that's not weird AT ALL! Someone please tell me this happened to them too? If not just lie to me and make me feel better. Although I'm not the type of person to get embarrassed about that kind of stuff so it really doesn't matter :-)
I'm only dilated to 1 1/2 cm and 70% effaced.
All I can think about is a slush from Sonic and a chocolate milk shake from Chik-Fil-A.
Alright, I'll keep updating later. Until then I'm going to try and figure out a way to hold in a fart while being completely paralyzed from the waist down. Wish me luck!
Getting the epidural. I cried the whole time. I'm a pansie like that.
Olive Garden, Ambien, & Enemas!
Last night Adam went and got us Olive Garden for dinner. They had just put the Cervidil in so I had to lie flat for two hours, which made eating loads of fun because Adam had to feed me while I was flat on my back! Holy Indigestion! As soon as the two hours was up I sat up and could literally feel my food move from my chest to my stomach. Never again!
Adam stayed for a while and left around 10:00 pm. The nurse came in and gave me an Ambien to help me sleep. I wish I could tell you what happened between that time and 4:00 AM, but I'm not exactly sure. I do know that the night involved me getting up several times to pee, and me writing a somewhat inappropriate text message to one of my friends at work!
This morning they came in and gave me a "soap suds enema".....
I'm gonna let you guess how much fun that was.
Needless to say, I then showered, put my contacts in, brushed my teeth, and now I'm back in bed feeling squeaky clean....literally inside and out.
Just waiting to start the pitocin now and then my doctor will come break my water! Score!
Update ya later!
July 14, 2011
Times Up!
I'm at the hospital now, got my IV, and we are watching Cops! That's about as eventful as it's been so far! They should be in here soon to insert the Cervidil and then Adam is going to go get dinner. I'm on a regular diet until midnight, then I can't eat anything. I get really grouchy when I'm hungry so it should be a bitchin' time for everyone once I get nice and hungry! YAY!
I'm blogging from my phone so o hope this actually works! I will try my hardest to keep everyone updated so check back every once in a while!
Things should be pretty uneventful until the morning time, then the fun begins! Whoooo de whoooo!!