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Lindsay Pavkovich

March 15, 2012

eight months

Presley is 8 months old today!

Around 21 pounds

Not sure about this one. They only weighed her while we were at the doctor for her ears.

Clothing Size:
Some things she's in 9-12, but mostly it's 12 month clothes! I feel like I clean out her closet every week..me sadz. I remember when I was pregnant with her we bought a bunch of size 12 month cloths and I felt like it would be forever before she would ever get to wear them. But alas, here we are and my fat oompa loompa is sporting those clothes!

Still size 3..next box will be size 4. And I decided to show some sympathy to Huggies and give those a whirl. I can't say I hate them, but my heart belongs to good ol' Pampers Cruisers!

Anything and everything. She loves chicken spaghetti, fruit cups, crackers, raisins, oatmeal, steak, broccoli, cauliflower...you name it, she will eat it!

I still make some of her food. It's fun for me and gives me some Mom Points.

Example: I give Presley a box to play with while I pick up the house. I come back and realize that she has eaten a whole sheet of tissue paper.

Minus 5 points for Mom.

I then mix her up some squash/corn/sweet potatoes & broccoli/cauliflower for dinner.

Plus 15 points for Mom.

See what I did there?

Totally redeemed myself!

Brown hair & green eyes!

The flipping over issue has been resolved. She now flips from back to stomach all throughout the night. She goes to sleep around 7:30 PM and wakes up at 6:45 ON. THE. DOT.

Not a second later.

She is taking two naps a day-one in the morning and another around lunch.

I had stopped rocking her until she got sick but I still don't rock her all the way to sleep. She will usually toss and turn for about 15 minutes before passing out.

We've been going to the park a lot and she loves the swing. I may try to get a swing of our own and hang it on our porch or in our garage. Because I'm lazy and don't want to walk to the playground.

Adams parents and sister came into town this past weekend! It was so good to see them. The last time they saw P was at Christmas so they had a fun time playing with her! We will be seeing them soon for Adams graduation!

Presley also loves her sippy cup. We have found that the cups with the straws work best for us. She loves apple juice and white grape juice!

She talks her head off. I literally can't get her to shut her pie hole some days. She says 'bye-bye' (and waves), PaPa, and Mama.

She has finally learned how to give kisses. Melt my heart. Now, it's a big fat slobber fest, but it's still cute. She goes in for the kill mouth wide open, sometimes sticks her tongue out.

No shame in her game.

Fun Stuff:
Bottom teeth are in!

She smiles really big and claps anytime you say,"YAY PRESLEY!"

Dances to M-I-C-K-E-Y...M-O-U-S-E!

We are about a week away from crawling. She just can't figure out that if she moves her leg she's sitting on that she will be able to bust a move!

We are on the lookout for a walker. We have basically retired the jumpy these days because she get's bored. So onto more interesting things, I guess :)

That's about it. I honestly can't believe PDizzle is 8 months old...what happened?

Goodness gracious, I love her to pieces.

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